“You + My Life = Ahhh” — a poem

I stare at you sometimes, sneakily… from far away, I wonder…

3 min readDec 4, 2021

I stare at you sometimes, sneakily, and

From far away, I wonder

How a person could live

How a person could laugh

How a person could love

How you do

The things you do make me better than I used to

I’m used to being the butt’s end of the joke but

With you, I am the hero

You’re the heroine, the light beam cast on my stage

The days have changed in the ways you’ve made

It dazes me now to think —

So there are some things I want to say to claim the ways I’ve changed:

Before you, I roamed the streets, free

Trapped in my mind’s cage

The night was my escape before I’d cry or tire or faint

Before you, I thought I’d live in sadness, as daily as God’s bread

Thought I’d live in fear for the rest of time

I blamed it on design

Before you, I never smiled in pictures




No Expert But Of Himself—Just writing what I know, a bit of what I think I know, hopefully I help others know a bit more than they knew.