Love Born to Die

My misshapen heart — is wearing your scars…

Aug 25, 2022
a red rose in front of a black background with flames flickering on it
Zach Vessels

by Quinn Zhael

My misshapen heart
Is wearing your scars
Caving and bulging
With your secrets
With pining and regrets

What is a heart
With no mouth?
No voice, no sound
A heart that bleeds with tears
Shrivels with the passing years
Until I see your bloodshot eyes
This desiccated heart
Changes size
Torn and mangled as the wings
Of burning birds
Break free

Our love flies out the window
And leaves me like a widow
As it soars into the sky
A love born to die




No Expert But Of Himself—Just writing what I know, a bit of what I think I know, hopefully I help others know a bit more than they knew.