Channeling Kanye

Tell me what to do…

1 min readAug 11, 2022

By Quinn Zhael

a shirtless woman submerged underwater with her eyes closed, bubbles floting about her head, hair lifted by the water
Nate Neelson

Tell me what to do
My heart’s chasin’ you
But I’m chasing Death
I can feel his breath
He calls soft to me
He won’t let me be
He’s seducing me
He’s seducing me

He says Melt away
You can leave the fray

And the water’s warm
On this form, forlorn
Feel my naked breasts
The caress of Death
As the water laps
And the world collapse

Death, he’s chasin’ me
But I’m chasin’ you
Tell me what to do
‘Cuz I’m lovin’ you
Run away with me
I’ve got to be free
Babe, my love’s locked down
But I want to drown

Baby drown with me
Babe melt into me
‘Cuz I need your touch
I need you so much
Babe you haunt my dreams
Pullin’ at my seams
Want your hands on me
You inside of me
You inside of me

You’ve got my love locked down
But I want to drown
Let me drown in you
Let me drown in you
Baby show me life
‘Cuz I’ve been your wife
Baby don’t you know
From the seeds you sow?
Baby I’m your wife
Baby show me life
Baby I’m your wife
Baby I’m your wife




No Expert But Of Himself—Just writing what I know, a bit of what I think I know, hopefully I help others know a bit more than they knew.